Further Study

Further Study 

The 3 questions I began with are as follows:

  1. How many different species of moss/fungus can be identified at this site? 
  2. What role do the dead trees and fallen branches and logs play in the overall system of the site?
  3. What changes are noticeable in the site as weather/climate patterns change? 
Using these three questions, an alternative question can be used to prompt further investigation and research at the field study site:
How does the changing climate and temperature of the northern Californian forests affect the growth of different types of tree moss? 

IBESS Experimental Organizer

Lab: Field Study 
Title (Describe the experiment by using the format, “The effect of ___ on ___”):

 The effect of increased rainfall and decreased temperature on the growth of Spanish Moss. 

Hypothesis (Make specific predictions about the experimental outcome using the format, “If…, then…, because…”):
 If the temperature is decreased and the amount of rainfall increased, then the Spanish Moss will experience increased growth because the two factors allow for maximum growth without drying out.

Independent Variable I.V. (What you will be testing.): 
 The growth of the Spanish Moss (cm)

Category of I.V. (Identify if the I.V. is continuous or discontinuous.): Continuous 

Levels of I.V. 
(2 or more plus the control,
 which must be identified)
No rainfall, Room temp.
 1ml rainfall daily, 70 degrees F
 3ml rainfall daily, 68 degrees F
 5ml rainfall daily, 66 degrees F
 7ml rainfall daily, 64 degrees F
Number of trials you will conduct for each I.V. level

Dependent Variable (What you are measuring.  Include all appropriate units.): 

Quantitative Measurements:
Amount of Spanish Moss growth (cm) 

Qualitative Measurements:
 Color of moss, texture of moss, strength of moss (does it break easily)

Constants (List all conditions which are the same for each trial.): 
 type of wood moss grows on, water source for rain, same amount of sun, amount of wood moss grows on, environment moss is kept in, time of day moss is watered, length of trial, humidity of environment.

Data Table: 
The Effect of Temperature and Rainfall on the Growth of Spanish Moss 
Temperature and amount of rainfall (ml) (F)
Growth of Spanish Moss (cm)
Average Growth (cm)



1ml rainfall daily,
70 degrees F

3ml rainfall daily,
68 degrees F

5ml rainfall daily,
66 degrees F

7ml rainfall daily,
64 degrees F

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